Grand Master Tan Tran, a certified master martial artist with more than 50 years of experience, began his martial arts studies in his native Vietnam. Today, he teaches in his adopted homeland of the United States and continues to train with other masters and grand masters in the U.S., Vietnam, Korea, China, Thailand and around the world.
A U.S. resident since 1979, Grand Master Tran has taught in several martial arts schools around the country. He is a certified instructor in Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Vo Tu Do (Free-Style Kickboxing), Vo Binh Dinh (Traditional Vietnamese Kung Fu), Tai Chi Chuan, Hapkido, Haidong Gumdo (Traditional Korean Sword Art), Seven-Mountain Spiritual Kung Fu, Vo Thieu Lam Nam Quyen (Southern Style of Shaolin Kung Fu), Qi Gong and Ki-Healing.
Grand Master Tran is also an award-winning, Olympic-style martial artist who offers specialized training in Olympic-style competition combat, yet he focuses the majority of his teachings on traditional, authentic Asian martial arts and practical, real-life self-defense.
Born during the Vietnam War, Grand Master Tran displayed a natural affinity for martial arts as a toddler. His parents encouraged his passion for training as a means of self-defense and survival during wartime, often taking him from master to master to further his martial arts acumen. Much of his training at that time was underground, as martial arts studies were forbidden under communist rule.
Grand Master Tran escaped from Vietnam in 1979, and adopted the United States as his new homeland. Upon arrival, he quickly sought out new training grounds to continue his martial arts pursuits in both soft and hard styles. He travels frequently around the country and abroad to further his studies and to share his knowledge with his students.